Thursday, July 29, 2010

Newborn Sleep Mistakes Most Moms Make - are You Making These 5 Errors?

Do you know how to get baby to sleep through the night? You will when you read and use these simple baby sleep tips

Baby not sleeping well at night? Which of these 5 blunders are you making?

(1) Making the room nice and dark and quiet when your baby naps during the day.

You may suppose this is a good strategy in hopes that the tot will sleep longer so you can get some rest. BUT, it really isn't helpful in the long run - i.e. Bedtime. When your newborn takes naps during the day have plenty of daylight in the house. Let normal household and street noises exist. The less time the child sleeps during the day could mean better sleep at night.

(2) Letting your child

just lie around in the crib or child carrier.

It is tempting to just let the baby lie around so you can do other things. However, once again this is not in your best interest. the child needs to be lively when awake. This could induce sleep at night. Don't you sleep better at night when you have been out all day running around?

Find ways to introduce physical activity

for the baby. Play games, take the tot out for a fun outing to see new places and things. My little niece loves to people watch.

(3) Picking up your kid as soon as the crying starts at night.

Believe it or not, the kid might not even be really awake! I know I did this all the time with my kid. I did not know any better. I learned that if you rub the abdomen, the infant just might stop crying and go back to sleep.

(4) Play games that excite the child.

When all the family is home in the evening they want to play with the kid. That is okay as long as the activities are RELAXING for the tot! Tell Dad not to play airplane or catch the baby in the air before bedtime. If you have other kids, let them know not to excite the tot.

The best thing would be to hold your kid and read. Clear out the crib i.e. get the toys out. Give the kid a favorite toy to settle down with.

(5) Have no pattern for bedtime.

So, one night you do everything in your room after the bath. The next night in the living room and the next night in the baby's room or even the kitchen! This is not a good idea. Your tot needs to recognize when it is time for bed, end of the day - finito!

So do your best to begin the routine at the same time everyday and in the same room. Have a specific nighttime song i.e. lullaby or music. Have a bedtime book to read.

And I'd like to encourage you to use these tips.

And now I would like to offer you free access to a 5 week baby sleep tips pamphlet at

Disclaimer: The information presented is informational only. Please consult with baby's doctor before using any technique in this document. The entire contents of this publication are based on research. It is for educational purposes only. It is intended as a sharing of knowledge and information from research and experience of the author. No guarantees are given in any form by the author.

From Ceci Davis,
The Baby Care Info Gal

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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

How Long should I Let My Newborn Sleep For?

Newborn sleep is one thing that women who are mothers for the first time worry about. If you are a new mom, you might be concerned about whether your baby is getting enough sleep. The following is a guide to what you should expect, but you must remember that each baby will be different. Even if this isn't your first child, this baby will not be the same as any of the others.

Newborn babies usually sleep about 16-17 hours in a 24-hour period. Most babies will not sleep through the night until they're at least 3 months old. There are several reasons why. First of all, their stomachs are very small and they'll get hungry faster, especially if you're breastfeeding your baby. Breast milk is much more easily digested than formula, and your baby will need to feed more often, especially in the beginning.

Babies also have shorter sleep cycles than adults do and have shorter dream cycles. In general, though, a newborn baby should sleep about 8 or nine hours during the day and 8 hours or so at night. They won't sleep 8 hours straight, though. In the beginning, those sleep times will be very short.

As the baby gets older, up to about 2 years of age, she'll still be sleeping 13-14 hours, but the amount of daytime sleep will diminish month-by-month. By age 2, your baby should be sleeping through the night with a 2-hour nap during the day. Remember that all babies' sleep patterns are different, for example some need two naps per day while others make do with one longer nap. At this age though, try to discourage naps too late in the afternoon, as this can make it harder to get them to sleep a few hours later at bed time.

Once a baby begins to regularly sleep through the night, parents are often dismayed when he/she begins to awaken in the night again. This typically happens at about 6 months of age and is often a normal part of development called separation anxiety.

Again, this will vary by child. Relax if this seems different from your newborn baby. Sleep needs vary a lot between individual babies and it is not beneficial to compare your newborn's sleep patterns with others.

By: Wendy Owen

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Sunday, July 25, 2010

Modern Baby Bedding – Loaded with Astounding Colors

Modern Baby Bedding. While shopping for your baby’s bedding you need to take care of few fine things. There are several brands available in the market and some of them are demanding to be the leading brand in this field. Well, these are the common scenarios for every business category and offering more confusion for the customers. However, as a customer you need to shop wisely so that you can get the best deal for modern baby bedding. On the Internet you can look for several manufacturers that are now offering best deal on their modern baby bedding. It’s the competition that still going on among these companies and that is exactly propelling them to add new and attractive rates for their products.

There are several types of modern baby bedding available in the market. Among all these modern baby beddings pottery barn kids is the one that is drawing more attention in the market. These are the baby beddings that can set the right size for your baby where he/she can rest properly. Loaded with more safety features, these modern baby beddings are just perfect to add for your baby’s comfort. Such baby beddings are loaded with astounding colors and now day’s the manufacturers are adding up more innovative features for these products.

When you are looking for modern baby bedding, you need to look for the right one that fits the size of your baby. Keep in mind that it’s the time for your baby to grow. This is the exact reason why modern baby bedding manufacturers are now producing such products that fits for children of every age. More of all such modern baby beddings are attractive, loaded with wonderful colors and safe with its function. As a customers you can also avail modern baby bedding that are gender specific. Both for boys and girls modern baby beddings are available.

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